Once in a while...

A day or scene is beautiful enough that it deserves its own mention. The 7th of March, 2024, in Joshua Tree National Park was one such day.

One of the magnificent (and frustrating) things about Joshua Tree National Park is that each day is so very different, visually. It makes planning a photography trip difficult to the park. Some days, the sky is empty and bright, leaving you less to work with, compositionally. Some days, the sky is bleak and light grey, with an unbroken blanket of dreary clouds. But, on some days, the sky is magnificent and extraordinary, like it was on the 7th of March 2024.

You don't get much warning...

Only a couple of hours, at most. You learn to spot the extraordinary skies a couple of hours before they occur, usually, when you've been living in the desert enough. Sometimes, you can just feel it. It usually starts with thick, low hanging clouds being blown over the distant mountains to the west. Then, it transition into a dynamic and dramatic show, where the sky is the main stage.

And then just like that, it's over...

It either rains or those thick, low hanging clouds engulf and blanket the park, ending the dramatic fight between the sky and the clouds.