As a result of my travel plans in France, I will be unable to accept bookings from June 1st to July 23rd. Stay tuned for further updates.

There is no other country on Earth...

With which I have such a turbulent and complicated relationship. There is no other country on Earth with which I have become so captivated and obsessed. In most ways, I love France and it feels magical when I'm there; it feels like I am home, exactly where I belong. In other ways, it feels like a prison from whose depths I will never be able to escape, or perhaps a fever dream from which I will never awake.

But, at the end of the day, I love France and I can't see myself anywhere else.

I've spent the last couple of years, on and off...

In France. First in the Île-de-France area, then in Le Mans. They were some of the most intense and transformative years of my life. I learned a lot about myself and it spurred a lot of intense personal growth. I met some incredible and wonderful people. I fell deeply in love. I experienced equally deep heartbreak.

Back to Le Mans...

This is the city in France I am most comfortable with. The city I am most familiar with, and the city with which I have the fondest memories. And, despite the baggage that comes with heartbreak, my memories and experiences and feelings are overwhelmingly positive. It's also, I realize, the closest thing to a place I'd call home. So, for the foreseeable future, I will be basing myself in the Le Mans area of France.

I have specific plans from June 1st to July 23rd in France, so I won't be able to accept bookings during this time. I've got some cool plans I can't wait to share in this blog.